Dorene and Troy – Mid-life Lifestyle Design through Meaningful Travel

Redefining Our Mid-Life.
We’re a married couple from Canada, Dorene is from Calgary, Alberta, Troy is from Miramichi, New Brunswick. We met in Toronto and lived and worked there for over 15 years. This was us when we started the cycle of safe, predictable and comfortable lives together. We’d spend excessive, mind-numbing hours at our jobs each day, anxiously waiting for the weekend.
Two years, five years, ten years went by.
We were stuck.
Stuck in the corporate world, creatively stuck, and stuck in a cycle of commitments. We dreamt of a new lifestyle, one that allowed us the freedom to live and work how we wanted. Maybe we felt it was too late to change and put it off. We’re in our 40’s now, what are we ‘supposed’ to be doing?
Before Our Lifestyle Redesign:
Dorene – I was a senior marketing and advertising director in the entertainment, food and drink business. Climbing the corporate ladder was all that mattered to me. Then work and family life changed drastically and forced me to seek out a different life. A life where experiences defined me, not a company or job title. Finding happiness and purpose was now more important than anything.
Troy – I spent 20 years in the television broadcasting industry, the last ten as a freelance editor and producer. I loved to create, but I needed the topic to be something I was really passionate about. I craved to take my life in a new direction, seek out new opportunities whatever they may be, and redesign our lives, our way. What better way to do this, than living a simpler life and travel more often.
We had enough.
And with help and courage, we made massive changes. We left our careers in our 40’s, the highest income earning years, not to retire, but to live. We downsized, we sold everything we own. Our house, car, furniture, and all of our possessions in 12 months. We paid off our debts. Then we left our home country of Canada to pursue a location independent lifestyle.
We used to be like that.
Now we try new things every day. We no longer put off things we wanted to do for years
We redesigned our careers too, took our experience to become a multimedia team combining videography and marketing, and we do it while we live this kind of lifestyle.
We created lives on our own terms. Lives more conscious, more flexible and full of meaningful travel experiences, because travel had been our greatest accelerator for change.
Our Mission:
Do you remember the last time you lived a conscious life, maybe your were traveling or experiencing something new and something shifted positively inside of you?
Did you feel inspired by what you learned, changed by discoveries and transformed by a different perspective?
Travel doesn’t have to create that, but making small, conscious changes in your life can.
We want to help you hold up that promise to live each day with curiosity to respect your journey and the people and places and experiences that will lead you there.
Maybe we are just like you. Maybe we aren’t. It doesn’t matter, but if we can help you get off your hamster wheel of oblivion to enjoy your life more we would feel satisfied that we could help.
We would love you to dive in and read and watch more.
Thank you for coming
and for letting us take you through our journey of redesigning our lives through video, stories and pictures.